Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Dire Wolves Just Exactly Perfect Sisters Band live at Acme Records and Music Emporium in Milwaukee on April 13, 2019 (afternoon show)

Here is the recording from the afternoon set that the Dire Wolves performed at that eminent and enjoyable palace of recorded and live music in the Cream City -- the one and only Acme Records. I was energized and elated to be behind the band and watching them perform for a packed crowd on Record Store Day.

Please see the previous post for some of my thoughts about this wonderful band. I can summarize, however: this band is the most interesting and unpredictable rock group in the US. It takes a lot of effort to make improvised music gel into a coherent experience -- effort and a willingness to be flexible and incorporate into your performance something related to what others are doing on stage with you. It can be a painful experience watching two or three stubborn musicians perform at the same time, each one wanting to go their own way so that it sounds like two (or three) different recordings being played back simultaneously, without the wit of someone like John Cage to make the chaos sublime.

This group seems like they have been playing together every week for years (but they haven't -- that's the amazing thing) and make it look effortless -- a lot of effort is needed to make things look effortless.

I briefly mentioned in the previous Elkhorn post that there is no "sound person" per se at Acme and that I volunteered to help the band on a last-minute basis. There wasn't anybody else there to do the job, and Acme was chaotic enough with a packed crowd for record store day, bands coming in and out the back door, everyone including musicians carrying stacks of LPs they were buying, and so on.

Taralie Peterson asked me if I had a DI box (Direct Input box -- this changes the impedance of an audio signal so that a microphone-level signal can be inputted to mixer requiring a line-level signal, and vice versa) and I quite unhelpfully informed her that I did have one, but it was at home.  My apologies to her, and I am going to donate my DI box to Acme for future shows.

Much to Taralie's credit, she expressed concern to me throughout the show that Arjun's violin was buried in the PA. I went out in front of the speakers several times to make sure he was there for all to hear. Arjun provides one of the really unique audio textures for the band and often the interaction between his longer lines of melody and Taralie's abstract broken vocal sounds is the most enjoyable thing happening in the mix.

This recording was made using a 50:50 mix of the soundboard feed and a Superlux S502 stereo microphone (fixed ORTF configuration) which was placed at the stage lip, a bit stage left of center. These two sources were recorded in four channels to a Sound Devices MixPre 6 and then combined with Audacity. Some very gentle compression and minimal parametric EQ were applied using Audacity. xAct as always was used to prepare ALAC/m4a as well as mp3 files.

The SoundCloud stream is below. You should be able to stream the audio without using the SoundCloud app. Please remember that downloading the files (see the end of this post) will result in higher fidelity than the mp3 stream which SoundCloud provides. I am very happy with how the recording turned out:

Please support these fine artists and decent people by going to their shows, buying multiple copies of their merchandise (your friends need the music -- why aren't you buying music for your friends?), and talking to them like they are real human beings after shows. If they don't mind.

Dire Wolves Just Exactly Perfect Sisters Band is:
Arjun Mendiratta: Violin
Brian Lucas: electric bass
Jeffrey Alexander: guitar
Sheila Bosco: drums
Taralie Peterson: sax, vocals, percussion


(suitable for burning to CDs)

(lossless compression audio file playable on iPhones and computers)

320kbps mp3 file (76 MB)
(highest quality mp3 possible)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Dire Wolves Just Exactly Perfect Sisters Band at the Milwaukee Psych Festival on April 13, 2019 (evening show)

The only thing more amazing than Dire Wolves' music is the fact that their lineup is ever-shifting. While not quite the same thing as when Mark E Smith infamously made the point that he and only he was the sine qua non of the Fall ("If it's me and your granny playing bongos, then it's the Fall"), it's close. 

Generally there is always Jeffrey Alexander on guitar and usually Brian Lucas on bass. For the last few years or so Sheila Bosco (drums) plus Taralie Peterson of Spires That in the Sunset Rise (vocals, sax and percussion) and Arjun Mendiratta (violin) have been mainstays of touring versions of the band while vocalists Lau Nau and Georgia Carbone have appeared on studio recordings. There have been plenty of memorable one-offs such as last February's performance at NYC's Union Pool with members of Elkhorn, Bardo Pond, and the Sunwatchers -- billed as Dire Wolves (Inspiration Family Band). 

What makes each performance of Dire Wolves so special is a level of free-form improvisation which goes far beyond the category of "psychedelia" or "jam band" and dives right into "free jazz" territory (that's my favorite territory, in case anyone is keeping track at home).

However, I have yet to hear a piece by the Wolves which is not psychedelic or that wouldn't go over very well at a "jam band concert" as an opener for The Dead and Co. or Phish. Sometimes a piece will appear to just be completely improvised, but there is usually a certain sensibility which allows sections of increasingly interesting improvisation to exist within the structure of a pre-existing song.

For this show, my understanding is that the choice of a Pharaoh Sanders song ("Elevation" from Sanders 1974 live album of the same name for Impulse!/ABC records) was a last minute decision. If so it was both an inspired choice and a wakeup call for the partiers in the audience up front to stop talking to their friends and pay attention. 

Alas, some people are beyond the point of being able to be woken up. Any show in Milwaukee where alcohol has been sold to people primarily interested in meeting people and talking about the Brewers' chances to win the pennant this year will stand as evidence as to why most bands' tours hop from Detroit to Chicago to Madison and Minneapolis. Most of the time the MPF crowd is better behaved, but at this point of the evening there were more than enough socialites around -- enough that Alexander felt the need to shame them for talking during a Pharaoh Sanders song.

At the time, when the band started, I thought they were going to begin playing John Coltrane's "A Love Supreme" because the Brian's bass line was reminiscent of the beginning of that jazz masterpiece. After a few moments it was off into Dire Wolves space and I eventually recognized it as a Pharaoh Sanders song, even if I couldn't identify the exact song (as it happens, "Elevate" is one of the few Sanders albums I don't own).

This set was recorded with the feed from the Soundboard (thanks to Max) fed into my Sound Devices MixPre6 recorder. For some as-yet unidentified reason, probably entirely my fault, the feed from my pair of beyerdynamic MC 930 microphones set up 10 feet in the air on a lightstand next to the mixing board did not record despite there being four channels of signal being displayed on the recorder's screen during the show.

I wound up using an audience source recorded by "Atticus Binch" on what looked to me like a Nakamichi 550 cassette recorder. My taper friend Joel tells me he thinks this might be the owner of a record store in Bloomington, IL. This has not been independently confirmed. The audience source sounded like it was recorded in the front row amidst the talkers and was also rather saturated at certain points. I mixed it at a ratio (SBD:AUD) of 60:40 and used Audacity for compression and EQ. xAct was used to prepare ALAC and mp3 versions. 

While not the transcendent audiophile masterpiece I always hope for (and rarely achieve), the final result is much better than I had dared to hope for the day after the festival when I discovered two channels of my recording missing. 

Please see below for the SoundCloud stream:

Please support these fine artists and decent people by going to their shows, buying multiple copies of their merchandise (your friends need the music), and talking to them like they are real human beings after shows. If they don't mind.

Dire Wolves Just Exactly Perfect Sisters Band for this show is:
Jeffrey Alexander: guitar
Sheila Bosco: drums
Brian Lucas: electric bass
Arjun Mendiratta: Violin
Taralie Peterson: sax, vocals, percussion
Tracy Peterson: (guest) percussion 
"Mike" (guest) - tambourine


(suitable for burning to CDs)

(lossless compression audio file playable on iPhones and computers)

(highest quality mp3 possible)

Friday, July 5, 2019

Jim Warchol at the Jazz Gallery in Milwaukee on July 29, 2018

Here we have another brilliant solo performance by Jim Warchol, this time at the Jazz Gallery in Milwaukee. Check out the Soundcloud sample below.

The somewhat hard surfaces of the room might possibly at times sound a little harsh, but I thought it lent a nice natural reverb to this performance. Jim was pushing this little tube amp so that there was a very pleasant distorted-yet-controlled sound. What would rock music be without distortion?

This performance was recorded with a pair of Beyerdynamic MC930 (cardioid) microphones in an ORTF stereo formation, on a small tripod at the stage lip. The sound was fed into a Tascam DR-70. Audacity was used for slight EQ adjustments and xAct was used to encode the WAV files into ALAC and mp3.

Thanks to the Jazz Gallery and of course the tremendously talented Jim Warchol for allowing me to record.


16bit, 44.1kHz WAV file (308 MB)
suitable for burning to CD

lossless copy of the wav file - can also be burned to CD or played on your iPhone

highest quality version of this lossy but popular audio file format