Thursday, October 1, 2020

Dave Rempis and Tim Daisy at the Sugar Maple in Milwaukee on September 19, 2020

A few weekends ago I had the pleasure of attending a delightful concert on the patio of the legendary Sugar Maple featuring Chicago jazz heavy hitters Dave Rempis and Tim Daisy. The socially-responsible concert was limited to 20 attendees who were seated at least 6 feet apart and who were required to wear face-and-spittle-covering masks. I felt fortunate that Dave and Tim agreed to be recorded for this blog. Let me take this opportunity to recommend that you purchase some compact discs (and possibly an LP or two) from these two musicians (see links below).

I also enjoyed seeing my taper friend Joel Berk who runs the wonderful recording blog Sweet Blahg. Naturally he got there before me (pretty much everyone got there before me) and had excellent front-row access. This came in handy for unobstructed-view photos as well as for assistance with assembling a much-needed "matrix" recording of set one. 

above photo courtesy of Joel Berk

This photo is one of mine

As you can see from the second photo, my microphones were placed at the perfect angle had Dave been standing two or three feet behind where he actually wound up standing. This spatial discrepancy was most pronounced during the first set, and led to a somewhat thin reed sound. Joel's capture of the first set from the front row helped reinforce the not-quite-there sax sound that my microphones captured. 

The microphones used were: a stereo pair of Line Audio CM-3 wide-cardioid microphones in a custom-made 3D-printed ORTF configuration mic clip by Shapeways, and a stock Shure SM58 on the drums. These were fed via Mogami microphone cables into a Sound Devices MixPre 6 and recorded at 24bit/48kHz resolution. I used Audacity to assemble the matrix and to carefully EQ out the many dozens of very brief moments of wind noise (yes, I forgot my wind screens at home), as well as converting to 16bit/44.1kHz wav files. xAct converted the resulting wav to FLAC, ALAC, and mp3 files. Monitoring was accomplished with a Schitt Audio Asgard 3 preamp with AK4490 DAC as well as Focal Spirt Pro headphones

Please support these fine artists and decent people by going to their shows, buying multiple copies of their merchandise (your friends need the music -- why aren't you buying music for your friends?), and talking to them like they are real human beings after shows. If they don't mind.


16bit, 44.1kHz FLAC files (448 MB)

16bit, 44.k ALAC files (460 MB)

320kbps mp3 files (199 MB)

here is video from a concert the previous month at the same locale: