Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Meg Baird and Mary Lattimore at Acme Records in Milwaukee on October 17, 2019

When a certain amount of time passes after a show has been recorded, I start to find it more and more difficult to post the recording. It's a bit analogous to how I feel when I've waited too long to reply to a letter or email. I start to feel that any excuses I would like to make about the delay are inadequate.

For this show, we had a bit of a worldwide pandemic occurring a few months afterward, which put my motivation to post into the dumpster. In any event, I thought that the 5-year anniversary of the show would be a nice excuse to share this amazing performance with you.

Meg and Mary have long been favorites at Acme, and the excitement was definitely there as soon as their album as released. It's filled with really lovely madrigal-like moments juxtaposed with the avant garden or even psychedelic. When their tour was announced the show quickly sold out.

Recording information:


Milwaukee,WI at Acme Records

Meg Baird: guitar and vocals
Mary Lattimore: harp and electronics

01 Between Two Worlds (6:37)
02 In Cedars (6:02)
03 Banter (1:03)
04 Damaged Sunset (9:09)
05 Painter of Tygers (7:14)
06 Fair Annie [Traditional] (9:51)
07 Wrecking Ball [Neil Young] (6:47)

Total time = 46:43

Microphones: Beyerdynamic MC930 pair at stage lip
Additional source: mono soundboard
Recorder: Sound Devices MixPre6
Software: Audacity, Fission, xAct

Recorded with explicit artist permission by Richard Hayes


these lossless files can be burned to CDR, if you are into that

highest quality lossy mp3 files possible 

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