Monday, October 28, 2024

Derek Monypeny at Acme Records in Milwaukee on June 8, 2024

A few years back I had the pleasure of seeing a show at Acme featuring a performer I honestly had never heard of -- Derek Monypeny. I eagerly went into it somewhat blindly for two reasons -- Ken (the owner of Acme) assured me that he had heard some of Derek's music on Bandcamp and that it was wonderful, and two, because he was nice enough to allow me to record the show for this blog.

This time around, Derek was no stranger. I knew what to expect: hypnotic, psychedelic, swirling, soulful music performed on the guitar as well as the shahi baaja, a type of zither invented in India where typewriter keys are used to bend the pitch. It was a thrilling concert and I am happy to present it here.

Buy his albums here.

Recording information:



Milwaukee at Acme Records

Derek Monypeny: guitar and shahi Baja


01 First piece (11:05)

02 Second Piece (7:07)

03 Third Piece (6:37)

04 Fourth Piece (5:46)

05 Fifth piece (22:22)

Total time = 52:57

Microphones: Line Audio CM3 in ORTF

Additional source: mono soundboard feed

Recorder: Sound Devices MixPre6ii at 32/96

Software: Audacity, Fission, xAct

Recorded with artist permission by Richard Hayes for the blog


these lossless files can be burned to CDR, if you are into that

highest quality lossy mp3 files possible 

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